I picked up the cup and shouted "Scorpion!" and Kyle got a pickle jar from the drawer for his home. I was 'all shook up' to think that my toes could have been pinched off by those little incisors! I knew nothing of the creatures except they live in the desert with all their other venomous friends and I could possibly die, plus my little flower IS IN DANGER!!!!
The next day Kyle and I went to Petsmart to get info - no one knew anything there except, "what on earth was it doing in this area? dont they belong in Arizona?!" I agreed and left to Pet-co. There were housed Emperor Scorpions so they could tell me something of what to do with this guy.
oh, we went to the baptism of one of Kyles guitar students, and asked his mother if he would like a scorpion as a baptism gift . . . she said if he could keep it in a sealed container, shed be fine with it. so this is why I didnt kill it of let it go at the home of someone I didnt like.
so all boiled down to a little gift of a baby hurty thing and they can figure how to house it. meanwhile, back on the ranch, our neighbors told us that they just found his brother as they were turning out the lights. now we are having an exterminator come over on Saturday while kyle is to the lake and V and I will be at Nana and Grampas. I just dont want to get over-run with the little boogars!

How scary to feel that Vy was in danger. I can feel your heart poundiong from here. They sure reproduce a lot.
ReplyDeleteWow! Some blogs are better than going to the library in search of an interesting book!