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About Me

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mother and wife to create a beautiful family of six. What a wonderful blessing!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

t'was the night for a movie . . .

. . . and all through the house were scattered Vs toys, our blankets and shoes. About ten-thirty or eleven Vylette is fast asleep. Daddy in his nightclothes and I in bare-feet about to settle down for a cozy "Anne of Green Gables" bedtime movie. When out of the corner of my eye scattered a shadow, i rushed to my shoe to squish such a spider!! it crawled under toys, I lifted, it scrambled till it was blockaded by a cup! when , what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a miniature scorpion and eight tiny-er legs!

I picked up the cup and shouted "Scorpion!" and Kyle got a pickle jar from the drawer for his home. I was 'all shook up' to think that my toes could have been pinched off by those little incisors! I knew nothing of the creatures except they live in the desert with all their other venomous friends and I could possibly die, plus my little flower IS IN DANGER!!!!
The next day Kyle and I went to Petsmart to get info - no one knew anything there except, "what on earth was it doing in this area? dont they belong in Arizona?!" I agreed and left to Pet-co. There were housed Emperor Scorpions so they could tell me something of what to do with this guy.

oh, we went to the baptism of one of Kyles guitar students, and asked his mother if he would like a scorpion as a baptism gift . . . she said if he could keep it in a sealed container, shed be fine with it. so this is why I didnt kill it of let it go at the home of someone I didnt like.

so all boiled down to a little gift of a baby hurty thing and they can figure how to house it. meanwhile, back on the ranch, our neighbors told us that they just found his brother as they were turning out the lights. now we are having an exterminator come over on Saturday while kyle is to the lake and V and I will be at Nana and Grampas. I just dont want to get over-run with the little boogars!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My day old child lay in my arms,
With my lips against his ear.
I whispered strongly, "How I wish--
I wish that you could hear,

"I've a hundred wonderful things to say,
(a tiny cough and a nod),
hurry, hurry, hurry and grow
So I can tell you about God."

My day-old baby's mouth was still
And my words only tickled his ear,
But a kind of light passed through his eyes,
And I saw this thought appear:

"How I wish I had a voice and words,
I've a hundred things to say.
Before I forget, I'd tell you of God --
I left Him yesterday."

--Carol Lynn Pearson

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more stuff

ok ok . . . im not as good with these collage thingies as bitty yet but im workin on it
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vy feet

shoes - top+bottom

well - sorta . . . after i collaged thezse pics, i realized that the blue pics of vy had nothing to do with the shoes and therefore didnt belong, but i thought she was too cute to take outPosted by Picasa


i m working out thw collages now!!!!
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Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Day!!

Kisses to all! (yesterday . . .) [yesterday] is the day of L.O.V.E. and full of flowers and candy and cards and love and, well, whatever someone, yours or just any someone can do to make you feel their love. for me, i was given many wonderful valentine's gifts! vy smiled at me, she laughed for me, she looked cute for me, she looked cute for my landlords wife, she was so good during my temple prep class, she let my kiss her cheeks, snuzzle her hair, caress her face, and nibble her neck, and she gave me a few more hours of sleep than three! and my hubby gave me his attention - ALL DAY (which is a lot for him who is always so busy) AND he gave me a personalized Mrs. Fields cookie with a wonderful mushy-gushy card accompaniment. but then after that he gave me a Godiva bag which had in it a skewer with strawberries and bananas drizzled in chocolate! why this gift is amazing is because he HATES fruit and chocolate together . . . so i know he wont want me to share with him. hmm . . . i just feel loved - not because of what he bought me, but he wants to make me happy, and he is doing his best and his best is all i need!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

new and improved

for my sister

can U find it? can U find it? there it is!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

"im sorry, so sorry . . .

please accept my apology but love is blind, and i was too blind to see . . ."what i wrote here earlier today was thoughtless and cruel. the feelings were truly felt, but the words written were impulsive and set out to hurt. i love ALL my family and i know that they each have lives and things to do. i know they love me. i was hurt, but i know no hurt was meant for me. elisabeth, i am so very sorry especially to you - you and i are more alike than i know and are experiencing such similarities in life. i am so blessed to have you as a sister and role model!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


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what on earth is this supposed to mean and how do i fix it?

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