i feel lousy for not putting pictures up and not talking about them - but i hardly have gas $ and it does take even a little to get to this computer . . . and i got my camera back, but havent quite figured how to work it nor how to download pics from it. what good does that make me? i dont take wonderful pictues anyhow!
so what new news do i have to share? good question. i dont have neat inspiring stories like my sisters, but i could figure out my camera and take you on a virtual tour of what my hubby does on his free time (gigs - guitar bass drums) but ill have to figure out my camera first . . .
just a little update on vylette lylli pearl janette: she is there -her heart is beating - i feel her mooving every now and again in my belly. itdoes feel a little annoying at times - you know when you have a twitch in your eye that just wont go away? well, this is just that, but instead of staying there and letting me feel with my hands or others do the same, she becomes silent and turns me into the biggest liar. but i SAW her little heart swiftly beating at my last dr visit - so no sweat, right? so im working on getting registered at babies r us, and have already started my registration at target for shower things. im so afraid that - just like from my wedding registry - i wont register for the right stuff and ill go through my child-rearing wishing for things i wont have enough money for because i have NEVER done this before! i do like the idea of books . . . i like how my sister had a shower for just favorite books . . . i like the brick of mormon stories, but maybe ill save that one for my little boys (if you dont know it, google it . . . its BOM stories done in legos - fab find!) i like the standin tall, beloved songs cd, show a little love, and other brite music . i like the anamated scriptures for dvd and the illustrated scriptures (i think these scriptures would be a fabulous way to share the stories with my ENTIRE family) but then i NEED the obvious things that i havent really a clue what they are . . . having a baby is stressful! i never knew this would be how it is!! and then the rest of a stressful life will follow . . .
i just watched a baby moment or something like that on tv today (well, a whole bunch of them) and they were stories where twins came out fine . . . at 8 mos. pregnant the dr took some test where there was some protine problem with the baby but they didnt find symptoms until the 3 month old child had a pregnant belly due to her liver . . . a baby whose vitals would take drastic drops durring delivery . . . a mother who didnt have prenatal care and there was a lot of trouble with the birthing . . . mothers AND fathers who wondered if their baby would even survive their first year here . . .
and then it left me wondering what unexpected will happen durring my pregnancy/delivery? will my husband be able to make it up to me in time? how will i let my parents know, a whole house away, that im ready and its time to go in? will i know all the right things to do and say? will i pee as im laying on the bed? will my baby have a hole in her heart too? what problems do i carry that are genetic? will my baby have that sixty-five roses thing? will everything be good and go as planned?