so . . . its been quite a bit of time since things have been happening in my life. but - thats just it - things have been happening and i cannot keep up with them all too well.
\-p000000000 (fyver)
so first things first - i must finish school up for this semester! i pooped out of all my classes but my english course, so i have to finish that one real well! AND THEN when finals are over im going to move down to southern california to be with my hubby. (oh, i know you all know this cause you were there, but i got married april 10, 2009)

soo . . .some names are picked out and up for vote. be aware that just because you voted on it theres no saying if well use it or not:
vylette pearl
lylli janette
dayzee sue
jazmynn ethelin
irys michelle
klyfford theodore
kurtys noel
klyde samuel
kamryn wade
klayton kyle
so i dunno - the spice rack is complete! the hatches are all married off. mom and dad can finally go on their mission theyve been planning on. now i have to go and do homework for my ONE class.